team member

Biography Overview.

Growing up, I always had a strong sense of lawfulness, even if I always roll a Chaotic Neutral RPG character to play. I was always bothered by those taking advantage of peoples ignorance. I felt it was a cheap trick, that fearful people had to rely on to feel safe. Like the dissonance of knowledge would protect them, but all it took was one small idea to pierce it.

Computers entered my life at an early age. At 9 years old, I had put together my own computer from my dads spare parts & holiday gifts. I was quickly the IT guy for the family and friends, building computers, helping with cell phones, and setting up personal web sites. Through Highschool, I took all the IT classes available including the college prep classes. I continued through Sinclair College here in Dayton, and hit the same wall so many do with higher education costs. Looking at the IT industries value of a formal education vs certificate driven opportunities, I opted to get the Certificates I needed instead of putting my family in more debt. Along this road, I found the opportunity to study with graduate students at the Air Force Institute of Technology's ENG dept for over 10 years; assisting them with their graduate projects. I found all the information resources I required to continue my education informally, but get paid to do so.

These experiences left me with a unique array of tools in my kit to work with, that seemed wasted in a limited corporate position. I decided to apply my skills in to a unique business plan and NCA was born in June of 2009. I started with the ideal customer experience, then worked my way back to find what is needed, what is superfluous, and where everything else falls in between. After 10 years of business development, we are now on our way to becoming one of the leading IT companies in the Dayton area.

my certificates!


my skills

web development 65%
business consulting 80%
Network Design & Development 100%
Server Administration 100%
IT experience 30 years

Work & speciality fields

  • WiFi system design
  • Active Directory Development
  • Firewall & Network Administration
  • Data Security Policy
  • Dataflow Analytics
  • Systems Integration & Building Automation

I have setup and configured hundreds of Microsoft and Linux servers from Microsoft Server 2003 and RedHat 4 to their current platform versions, along with some others. There are dozens of companies in the greater Dayton area, benefiting from my designs and consultations to this date. Ranging from the simple IT consultations for a single user small business start up to complex multi-site network and server configurations with hundreds of workstations. I have extensive experience in WiFi and network system development, with hundreds of hours in on-site surveys for system designs and specifications. I currently hold several IT industry standard certificates in software packages, networks, servers, and data security.

Team Member
Roger Burchett
Owner & CEO